Catch Up Premium 2017-18 SSA - page 2

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staff (HLTAs and the SENDCO) to work with them intensively to develop their basic reading, writing and
mathematical skills.
Pupils receive this intensive intervention for one term, with a mid-point assessment taking place to ensure that
the strategies being employed are effective and to allow the teachers to adapt their planning according to each
pupil’s progress. The groups of pupils eligible are on rotation throughout the year, with the lowest scoring (in the
Academy’s formal baseline assessments) being prioritised on the first rotation. Full schemes of work linked to the
STEPs model are delivered and continually assessed.
In addition to the bespoke Bridge provision, the Lexia reading
programme starts at Assessment Point 1 and pupils who are
identified as being eligible for catch up funding may receive a
bespoke programme of support within the Bridge.
Smaller class sizes in the lower set maths classes in year 7 also help
to provide the extra support and attention that pupils who are
eligible for Catch-Up Premium may benefit from (this equates to 4
hours per week). This is available on a rotational basis for all those accessing the maths funding.
Early Risers
For each of the past four academic years the Academy has worked with our local primary schools to run an ‘Early
Risers’ programme, which enables all Y6 pupils to start Year 7 in June.
We believe that by starting their secondary education slightly earlier, we can give every child the best possible
start and that their progress and attainment will benefit. By getting to know the children before the summer
holidays we will be able to ensure that they feel better supported and happier when making the step up from
Primary School.
In 2016, the Academy was the joint recipient of a prestigious award for our transition work following an in-depth
research project conducted by Sheffield Hallam University. The research found that pupils who accessed ‘Early
Risers’ did not regress as much over the summer holidays, made better progress throughout Year 7 and attended
better than their peers who did not benefit from early access or extended transition arrangements. In-depth
pupil and parent surveys carried out by the university indicated increased confidence, better relationships with
peers and significantly reduced anxiety around the transition process.
Funding Allocation 2016-17
Funding Allocation 2017-18 (Anticipated)
Number of Eligible Pupils
Number of Eligible Pupils
English: 56
Mathematics: 50
English: 57
Mathematics: 42
Funding Spent On
Spending Plan
The Bridge – facility conversion and
refurbishment. £1000.
Resources/ tables/ furnishings/ICT conversion
to class rooms from offices. £5,584
Recharge to secure specialist HLTA staffing
from neighbouring Academy to run the ‘Aspire’
programme within the Bridge. £5,123
HLTA salary contribution to run the ‘Aspire’
programme within the Bridge. £5,668
Consultancy charge for SENDCO from High
Hazels Junior School to provide oversight and
support during SENDCO’s maternity leave.
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