We are looking forward to welcoming our new Year 7 students to Sheffield Springs Academy for the our transition programme called Early Risers.
The programme starts on Monday 7th July and ends on Thursday 10th July 2025. All information is included below.
We will be holding a Welcome Event for parents and Y6 students on Tuesday 15th April 2025 at 4pm to 5pm. You will be able to tour our great facilities, attend our Principal's presentation and ask any questions you may have.
We will be holding a SEND Welcome Event specifically for Y6 children with special educational needs and disabilities on Wednesday 16th April 2025 at 4pm to 5pm. This will be less busy and give you a chance to meet our SEND team, tour our facilities and attend our Principal's presentation.
During May we will be posting out full transition packs to all parents so you can read through all the information and keep it for reference when your child joins us in September 2025. Within the pack will be three important forms; Student Data Collection, Parental Consent and Parent-Student-Academy Agreement. It is vital that parents complete all three forms and return them to us before your child joins us for the Early Risers transition programme in July.
If you have any questions about transition, don't hesitate to contact our transition team by email: transition@sheffieldsprings.org or call the academy on 0114 239 2631.