Transition Information 2025

We have a 4 day transition programme called Early Risers.

All Y6 students with an offer of a place at Sheffield Springs Academy are invited to the Early Risers programme. This year the programme runs from: 

Monday 7th July until Thursday 10th July 2025. 

Parents: Please make a note of these key dates for your diary:

15th April 2025 4pm to 5pm - Welcome event

16th April 2025 4pm to 5pm - SEND Welcome event

May 2025 - Transition pack of information posted home

June - Y6 Personal Tours (booking information coming soon)

Mid-June 2025 - Form group information posted home

26th June 2025 4pm to 5pm - Meet your form tutor event

7th to 10th July 2025 - Early Risers Transition 

Please note that on 9th July Y6 students should wear their PE kit from their primary school for Sports Day. 

BBC Bitesize: Starting Secondary School

With content hosted on BBC Bitesize, Starting Secondary School is packed with videos, interactive games, tips and advice which will help your child during their last weeks in primary school and through their critical first weeks at secondary school.

It also has practical tips for you as a parent on how to prepare your child for secondary school, as well as resources to help start discussion around transition, produced in partnership with YoungMinds.



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