Safeguarding Policy COVID-19 Update
Healthy Minds Beat the Boredom
Healthy Minds Beat the Boredom Planner
The Importance of Maintaining Structure in our Lives
Vulnerable Learners Letter
Mental Health Leaflet
Healthy Minds Leaflet
How to contact key Safeguarding staff during school closure
Emotional Freedom Technique
Coronavirus the Importance of Acceptance
Coping with self-isolation
Coping with change
Talking to your child about Coronavirus
Coronavirus changing your behaviours/ emotions
Social Distancing Guide
Coronavirus the importance of acceptance
Changing Behaviour and Emotions after Lockdown
Grieving the loss of a loved on during lockdown
Coronavirus Managing the Effects of Shame
A lack of sleep can cause havoc on children’s behaviour and concentration, as well as have a negative impact on their physical and mental wellbeing. If you are concerned about children returning to school tired because sleep routines have done out of the window in lockdown, you might find the latest sleep support from Sheffield Parenting Team useful.
Getting your teenager’s sleep back on track:
Questions and answers
Q. How can I look after my wellbeing if I'm self-isolating?
You can visit for guidance on how to look after your mental wellbeing whilst self-isolating.
Visit for free, safe and anonymous online support for young people.
You can download some apps to help!
- Calm Harm— Reduce urges to self-harm and manage emotions
- Cove— Create music to reflect how you feel
- Chill Panda—Use breathing techniques to help you relax more.
- Catch it—Learn to manage negative thoughts
- SilverCloud—Course to help you manage stress, anxiety and depression
Q. What do I do if I need support right away?
There are a number of helplines to contact if you need crisis support:
- Childline—0800 1111 available 24/7
- The Samaritans—116 123 available 24/7
- Young Minds—Text YM to 85258 for text support available 24/7
- Papyrus—have a HOPELINE for suicide prevention 0800 068 4141 available 10am-10pm weekdays and 2pm-10pm on weekends.
- If you need emergency support always contact NHS 111 Option 2